Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One Month Old!

It is hard for me to believe, but Gracie's first month in this world has already come and gone. She turned one month old on Sunday, October 17.

This month has been an eventful one full of firsts and fun milestones. Grace weighs about 9 pounds now, and the newborn clothes are starting to get a little snug (sad!).

She can focus on my face and we are getting lots of cute smiles when she is awake.Nursing is going well and she took a bottle from Greg last weekend. She is so strong and showcases her strength by busting out of my swaddles and holding her head up during tummy time.

She likes her binky and loves being swaddled and then rocked really fast. Bath time is getting easier mainly because I'm getting quicker. She loves to be sung to, even my crazy made up songs.

And Grace loves loves loves to fall asleep on my chest (and that is my favorite too!).

Here are a few of my photos to mark the occasion.


  1. Happy 1 month, Grace Sally...miss you already!

  2. So precious!!! I totally love that she loves to be rocked 'fast'! When my son, Alex, was little he liked to be rocked/jiggled so hard my husband thought he was going to inflict brain damage! Not funny except that Luke (the husband) only noticed this when I was out for a meeting/girls night!


  3. So cute, Katie! I cannot believe a month has gone by already!
