Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Little Ballerina

More beautiful photos of my beautiful baby girl. These were taken mid-January (4 months) by Emily Penke of Peeptoe Photography at her studio down in the West Bottoms. The cute plaid dress was her cousin Ella's, the ballerina onesie was a special gift from Aunt Laura, and Doobie Duck was Grace's Christmas present from BooMark. I had a Doobie Duck stuffed animal (three actually) when I was little, so my Dad thought that Gracie should have one too. Hopefully Grace won't lose her Doobie Ducks at Target or the Tulsa airport like her mom did.

On to my favorites of the pictures.


1 comment:

  1. She has the most gorgeous blue eyes!!! Really, those babies aren't going to be changing any time soon!! The last pic if my fav-he smile is so sweet and adorable!!

