Saturday, November 20, 2010

Two Months Old!

Grace Sally celebrated two months on Wednesday and we had her check up too. She weighs 9 pounds, 5 ounces and is 21 5/8 inches. She has gained almost 2 pounds in 6 weeks and is a healthy and happy little baby girl.

She is really smiling a lot and cooing too. She loves 'talking' to Dad and I.

She has really found her hands this month and loves putting her fingers (or even her whole hand!) in her mouth. She is also getting better at tummy time.

Grace loves playing and grabbing for her toys. She can grasp a rattle in her hand for a little bit and reaches for the hanging toys in her play gym.

We are having so much fun with our little girl and can't wait to make our first road trip down to Tulsa on Monday for Thanksgiving!

Happy two months Grace!!!


  1. Ella enjoyed looking at these. She kept saying "Look at the quacky quack on her bottom!" "Look at that bee on her jacket!". And of course, "She's so cute with her teeny, tiny hands."!
