Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My "First" Baby

Baby Ernie will arrive for sure by the end of September 21st. If I haven't gone into labor on my own by Tuesday, I will be induced that morning at 6 a.m. I am very relieved to have a date set, as I am a planner and like to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As we continue the countdown for our first born child, I want to acknowledge our "first" baby, also known as our hairy baby.

We adopted Oscar from Wayside Waifs (a local no-kill shelter) 2 1/2 years ago and he has been our "baby" since then. He has warmed his way into our hearts and to his own bed on the floor next to our bed. This was quite an accomplishment considering that Greg at first had said that no dogs would be allowed upstairs in our house. (Greg grew up on a farm and all dogs were outside dogs. I knew that wouldn't last long with Oscar.) We adopted Oscar when he was a year old, and were so lucky to get him because he was already house broken and just a sweetheart of a dog.

I know that Oscar will be a great big brother to Baby Ernie and that they will be great friends. I'm looking forward to seeing how he will protect her and follow her around, and also let her pull up on him and pull his ears. He will probably want to sleep in her room from now on.

We've tried to get him ready for a new baby in the house, but I don't think it will really hit him until she is here all the time. All of the books have said to start "ignoring" your pet a bit to prepare them, but I just think that is cruel. If anything, we've spent more time with him, taking him on more walks and giving him more pats on the head.

What have you all done with your pets? Any advice on what has worked with you?


  1. Awww, Oscar! I don't have much in the way of advice for you...just that Oscar truly is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known and I know he will be a great big brother!! If he feels lonely at all, he can come have play dates with his girlfriend (Evie) once I am back in the US!

  2. What a cutie! Sorry but I don't have any advice for you, but I'm sure it will be fine!

    The wrap I'm using in those pics is a Moby Wrap, and I love it! There are ups and downs to it, but I still love it. There are like 12 different ways you can carry the baby in it. I'm actually working on a post talking about it more! I received mine as a gift and she bought it a local boutique, but you can get them online (ebay) or I think I even saw them at Target recently. I would definitely recommend it over all the other carriers I've used.

  3. Love reading this Eagee! Congratulations on baby Grace, can't wait to meet her. Looking forward to seeing pics and reading more about your new mother experiences!! love ya sista!
